See Page XX: Roleplaying as Gestural Narrative

This post originally appeared on between 2004 and 2007. A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws Those of us make stuff up for a living face a wide variety of possible ways to make ourselves crazy. One of the fastest and most direct routes to self-induced insanity is to obsess over the ultimate […]

13th Sage: Three Ghostly Monsters from Elven Towers

Elven Towers is a fantastic new adventure from Cal Moore—if you pre-order the print edition now, you get the full PDF and color map folio immediately as a download. It does some really interesting things with 13th Age design, but as a GM I also love that it’s full of creepy monsters. With Halloween on […]

Sin-drinker: an Adventure Seed for Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp Here’s an adventure seed to use alongside of (or instead of) A Corpse Astray from the Swords of the Serpentine core book. This adventure seed should fill one or two game sessions, and the supporting characters here can be integrated into ongoing plots in your game. Due to space limitations you’ll want […]

See Page XX: Make It A Gimme

This post originally appeared on between 2004 and 2007. A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws A few columns back, I mentioned the iron rule of theatrical improv: never negate. The idea is this: when you’re working together to create a scene on the fly, you have to accept, and build on, any […]

Six Heroes #3: Swords of the Serpentine pre-made adventuring party

Four Six Heroes #3: Swords of the Serpentine pre-made adventuring party By Kevin Kulp This month we’re cheating and giving you six heroes instead of four; these are the pre-generated heroes used in The Dripping Throne adventure at Gen Con Online 2020, playtested with four or five different player groups. Most of the Heroes have […]

The Trail of Cthulhu Theme

The following article originally appeared in an earlier iteration of See Page XX in June 2008. You can find James’s soundtrack work for Trail of Cthulhu here, for Night’s Black Agents here, and for Esoterrorists here. by James Semple James Semple has written the Trail of Cthulhu Theme to go with his inter-scene stings. He’ll […]

View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – June 2008

The following article originally appeared in an earlier iteration of See Page XX in June 2008. by Simon Rogers In this issue Robin D Laws discusses the use of genre conceits in Mutant City Blues, we have more music from James Semple, and a second interview by Luke Crane. This issue sees the return of […]

Using Pushes in Standard GUMSHOE

Game Moderators seeing the Push rules in The Yellow King Roleplaying Game and now second edition Mutant City Blues sometimes ask how to import them into previous GUMSHOE games. To recap how Pushes work, players get two of them per scenario. They can spend Pushes to gain non-informational benefits from their investigative abilities. For example: […]

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