A review of Rough Magicks by committed hero on rpg.net who awarded us 9/10 – good marks from a tough reviewer. A short but useful way to refine the theory and practice of magic in a Trail of Cthulhu campaign.
Tag Archives: review
Dan Harms continues his quest to review all Trail books with this review of Out of Time (in general) and The Big Hoodoo (in particular). Out of Time is a great scenario package if you haven’t purchased these scenarios yet, and each promises an evening of fun.
There is a review of Graham Wamlsey’s opening chapters of Cthulhu Apocalpyse here on rpg.net (9/10) Everyone was very happy with the scenario at its end. It was bleak, very Lovecraftian, and will be remembered as a gaming highlight by myself for many years to come. A lot of the credit for the excellent series […]
Here is a short review of Shadows Over Filmland by Simon Crowe. Overall whilst I would have preferred one or two scenarios were dropped to flesh out the others it’s still a great selection of scenarios, and I recommend it to any Trail of Cthulhu keepers looking for something different either as short one-shots or […]
Here is an in-depth review of Trail of Cthulhu by Michael Harnish. Mr Harnish understands why GUMSHOE is not “railroady”, too. By now it should be evident that I really love Trail of Cthulhu. I think it manages to capture the feel and style of HPL’s stories, particularly when played in Purist mode, with rules […]
There is a review of Rough Magicks on Gaming Brouhaha. Rough Magicks is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in expanding the role of magic plays in their game…I would thoroughly recommend Rough Magicks and look forward to reading more of the recent supplements Pelgrane has released for the game.
A review by kafka over on rpg. net of The Rending Box gives it the full 10 points. If you are new Trail of Cthulhu or just want to have a series of Purist adventures – start with this one. The Rending Box provides a wonderfully evocative adventure that sets the tone for Trail or […]
Dan Harms reviews Graham Walmsley’s Trail of Cthulhu adventure The Rending Box. …another excellent contribution to the Trail of Cthulhu line.
There is a new review of Bookhounds of London by Andrew Behaut here. Not only does Bookhounds make me want to run a game, it makes me feel confident that I could run that game well. Many supplements place the burden of extracting a game from their contents on the Keeper; this book does not. […]
Kafka has posted a very comprehensive and positive review of our newest print release, Bookhounds of London, 5 out of 5 stars. You can read the full review here. Bookhounds of London is a major hardcover supplement to the Trail of Cthulhu that is: a campaign guide, locale sourcebook, and an adventure. Whomever, decides to […]