Our sample outline of an Aftermath series continues with more capsule scenario concepts. Start here if you missed Part One. It Came From the Bronx Park Zoo The team probes the shudder-inducing secrets of this experimental Castaigne regime creature hybridization facility. A sapient ex-subject might support itself by acting as a hired assassin, or seek […]
Tag Archives: robin d laws
A Foe for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game Mixed into tattoo ink, water from the dark lake of Hali does more than achieve a richness of black tone unavailable from terrestrial pigments. It transforms the tattoo recipient into a sleeper agent for the King and his court. The magic inherent in the tattoo remains dormant […]
A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws The series frameworks for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game continue with a dive into ideas for your Aftermath game. Check out previous installments: Paris Part One and Part Two, and The Wars, Part One and Part Two. As before, treat this as a starter for your own […]
Premise for a Fear Itself one-shot Distribute these pregenerated characters, either casting the parts for a group you know or giving them out randomly for a convention run. They’re missing Sources of Stability, which don’t come into play here, and have higher than usual Health pools. You’ll be dropping the latter almost immediately. Also give […]
A scenario hook for Ashen Stars The lasers take a contract to investigate a wave of bombings on The Ducasse, a former mass evacuation vessel now inhabited by permanent residents. Unknown culprits have been planting teleport bombs in the apartments of this permanently spacefaring housing complex. They seem to take some care to ensure that […]
A Scenario Hook for The Esoterrorists Mr. Verity meets and briefs the team in Detroit, where Ordo Veritatis analysts have correlated an uptick both in violent crime and Internet searches of terms related to the Outer Dark. Following up on the apparently random homicides listed in the dossier, investigators spot a pattern, or lack thereof, […]
An NPC for Trail of Cthulhu Socialite, arts patron and oracle Elspeth Covington (1896-1955) cut a swath through occult circles in the 1930s and beyond, amassing a surprising circle of intimates in London, Paris, and Los Angeles. Born Elisabeth Doyle in Provincetown, she adopted the stopgap moniker Eliza Dunnock during a stint in New York […]
A scenario hook for The Gaean Reach The highest holy day on Jernki’s World occurs on the 23rd day of its seventeenth month. On that day the Ship of Blessed Delivery descends from the stars over its capital, Jernki City. This S-Class bioship gives birth to the megaworm, a genetically engineered organism that plays a […]
A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws This picks up where last month’s column left off, sketching out the second half of a Wars sequence for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game. Espionage Build a change of pace episode by injecting some wartime spycraft into the proceedings. For example: Military intelligence concludes that a mole […]
A scenario hook for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game: This Is Normal Now The investigators step into the path of the rubbery yellow entities called hazmats when they look into the disappearance of an environmental activist. They discover that she had planned to go undercover as an employee of a toxic waste disposal company called […]