The following article originally appeared on an earlier iteration of See Page XX in April 2008. News from Pelgrane Press We’ve had a great month, although some shipping issues have reared their ugly heads, mainly with shipments from the US taking their time to reach Europe. We’ve fixed those now. Leonard Balsera’s Profane Miracles, another fastplay […]
Tag Archives: view from the pelgrane’s nest
The following article originally appeared on an earlier iteration of See Page XX in February 2008. News from Pelgrane Press Short and sweet. The blog has more Pelgrane details and a caption competition. This month we’ve released Fields of Silver, Lynne Hardy’s Turjan-level adventure, and Ian Sturrock’s Esoterrorist adventure Albion’s Ransom. Playtesting The Mutant City Blues and Stunning […]
The following article originally appeared on an earlier iteration of See Page XX in December 2007. News from Pelgrane Press This month we’ve released GUMSHOE Unremitting Horror, Robin’s The Birds webcomic and The Compendium of Universal Knowledge. This is the month that we pre-released a limited edition Trail of Cthulhu and the general release version went […]
The following article about the state of the roleplaying industry in the mid-2000s originally appeared on in June 2006. Is the RPG Industry Screwed? When you depend on live game designers for sustenance, the health of the ecosystem which allows them to thrive is of paramount importance. Whilst everyone has an opinion on this […]
Current News: The Dying Earth RPG in the Bundle of Holding I sometimes joke that it should be actually be called The Un-Dying Earth RPG, because it’s still going strong since it became the game that spawned not just our company, but also, our company name. The celebrated fantasy novels by Jack Vance on which […]
The following article originally appeared on in May 2006. Game Designers’ Favorite Games Every games designer has an inner games geek (sometimes not so inner) who spent hours playing the RPGs you know and love. We’ve all played D&D, GURPs and other big names, but what about the slightly obscure? Perhaps they are games […]
In any other year, at this time we’d be rushing around the Pelgrane’s Nest prepping for Gen Con. Although cancelled in its physical format, it’s still going ahead as Gen Con Online. The Pelgrane team is running more than fifty events at it so far, but we’ve got plenty of space left for more games, […]
Hey, Pelgranes. There’s a whole lot of change happening all at once, and it’s a stressful time. Here in my hometown, local businesses are closing down by the dozen due to the restrictions imposed in the wake of COVID-19. Around the world, people are out on the streets, protesting against institutional racism and police brutality. […]
As we’re moving toward more video content, I decided to record my View From the Pelgrane’s Nest in video format this month. Turns out, my rural Irish broadband does not like to upload videos. And so, more than a week later than anticipated, the first ever Video View From the Pelgrane’s Nest: Watch the full […]
March is a big month for birthdays here in the Pelgrane’s Nest, with Gareth, Noah, me, and Rob all celebrating this month. March also feels like spring is finally here; winter is past, and the world begins anew, tf. ***NEW*** The Book of the Underworld This month’s latest release is the campaign setting Book of […]