Author Archives: Cat Tobin

Playtesting: Constructs (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp Our series on non-human heroes has so far covered Intelligent Animals, Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead), and the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods). This month’s Ancestry is inspired by gargoyles, golems, warforged, and clockwork creations. Be sure to read the previously published rules on Non-Human Heroes if you haven’t […]

View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – November 2022

ICYMI last month, I mentioned that during the pandemic, See Page XX fell by the wayside. Thanks to the generosity of our Patreon backers, we’re delighted to bring it back, full to the proverbial brim of articles, new releases, details on the current status of everything we’re working on, and playtesting opportunities. A big thank […]

Alteregomania – Designer’s Notes

by Michael Duxbury Alteregomania is out on sale! It’s a standalone GUMSHOE One-2-One release, including all the core rules and background information needed to take investigative journalist Klara Koenig through her first adventure. I can’t wait to hear how players and GMs get on with the story! The world Klara inhabits is a dystopian take […]

The Raspy Raven’s GUMSHOE season

Ever thought of playing in a 60s cold war version of Night’s Black Agents? Traversing The Gaean Reach modified for Charles Stross’ Laundry Files? Perhaps a Byzantian take on Swords of the Serpentine set in Constantinople is part of your gaming wish list? If so, then look no further. After successful seasons of games for […]

November playtesting

Please email for instructions on how to take part in this playtest! Title: Cassilda’s Song: Paris section System:The Yellow King RPG Authors: Robin D. Laws Deadline for return of feedback: Tuesday 31st January 2023 Number of sessions: 1-2 sessions per each of the four adventures Description: Like the YKRPG itself, Cassilda’s Song consists of four books, […]

Playtesting: Unsleeping Advisors (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

by Kevin Kulp Last month we explained rules for non-humans and gave you our first Ancestry for Swords of the Serpentine: Intelligent Animals. This month’s Ancestry is originally inspired by The Serpent’s Tongue, a piece of very Eversinkish art by artist Tom Bagshaw. Unsleeping Advisor Ancestry abilities: Ancestry (Unsleeping Advisor), Forgotten Lore, Laws and Traditions, Prophecy […]

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