Author Archives: ibrahim

Playtesting: Forest Elves (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp

This is the 12th in our series on non-human heroes in Swords of the Serpentine. Unlike the previous entries, which could easily fit into Eversink without fundamentally changing the nature of the city, this entry on Forest Elves is only recommended for use if you want to use the SotS rules to power a high fantasy game. Characters like Forest Elves don’t fit into most swords and sorcery settings, so make sure you want a higher-fantasy feel to your campaign before you use these.


by Adam Gauntlett This little Night’s Black Agents gem is inspired by Sauron, the home defense system marketed by Kevin Hartz and Jack Abraham, written up by the Washington Post. Premise The bad people, they know they’re being watched. Nosferatu co-founder Eduardo Parker. There’s a new home security tech startup and it seems to […]

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