Category Archives: News

Pelgrane’s PDF download guarantee

If you order PDFs from our store, we want you to be able to redownload your order without worrying about hard drive failures or new computers. So, all PDFs purchased from Pelgrane will be available for redownload for at least ten years from purchase, although it’s our intention for this to continue indefinitely. To redownload, […]

Playtesters Wanted: The Apocalypse Machine

We are in need of playtesters for the second part of the Cthulhu Apocalypse series (the first part, The Dead White World, is available to buy now). The Apocalypse Machine is a campaign setting which allows players to construct their own apocalypse, deciding everything from the initial cause (from droughts to disease to Dagon and […]

Trail of Cthulhu Review

Matthew Pook has reviewed Trail of Cthulhu in Unspeakable Oath with very positive results. You can read the full review here. If ever there was a game writer spawned to author a Lovecraftian RPG, it is surely Kenneth Hite. Trail of Cthulhu is a harsher, grainier approach to Lovecraftian investigative horror. Fully supported by elegant […]

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