If you order PDFs from our store, we want you to be able to redownload your order without worrying about hard drive failures or new computers. So, all PDFs purchased from Pelgrane will be available for redownload for at least ten years from purchase, although it’s our intention for this to continue indefinitely. To redownload, […]
Category Archives: News
The latest issue of See Page XX is available to view now. Full of articles and news, you can read it all here.
We are in need of playtesters for the second part of the Cthulhu Apocalypse series (the first part, The Dead White World, is available to buy now). The Apocalypse Machine is a campaign setting which allows players to construct their own apocalypse, deciding everything from the initial cause (from droughts to disease to Dagon and […]
Matthew Pook has reviewed Trail of Cthulhu in Unspeakable Oath with very positive results. You can read the full review here. If ever there was a game writer spawned to author a Lovecraftian RPG, it is surely Kenneth Hite. Trail of Cthulhu is a harsher, grainier approach to Lovecraftian investigative horror. Fully supported by elegant […]
Matt McElroy over at Flames Rising has put up a preview of The Dead White World. It includes an extract from the first adventure and is a precursor to a week of Pelgrane-themed content (date TBC). You can read the full preview here.
We are $375 from a free Esoterrorists and Fear Itself, thanks to the wonders of crowdfunding. Why not take a look at all the perks still available here.
Cthulhu Apocalypse: The Dead White World is now available on RPGNow.
ProFantasy Software, Pelgrane’s sister company, has produced an add-on for CC3 which allows you to create maps in vintage (1930s) Baedeker travel guides – just perfect for your pulp or horror games.
This issue of RPG Countdown has interviews with four Pelgrane writers In at #7 Paula Dempsey with the Occult Guide #4 Robin D Laws with the Dying Earth #3 Graham Walmsley with Cthulhu Apocalypse: The Dead White World and #1 Ken Hite with Bookhounds of London
A review of The Dead White World on rpg.net. 10 out of 10 …it is a superb adventure and does deliver a very distinctive “Cthulhu experience” sure to jolt even the most knowledgeable and seasoned of players.