Secret Spells of Hekte

Sorcery, of course, is forbidden in the Empire of Hekte, one of the key lands in The Paragon Blade. They will not forget the horrors and evils unleashed by the demonologists of the Hellbound Empire. Only Imperial bondsmages, carefully monitored and suitably restrained, are allowed work magic under the watchful eyes of the Bureau of […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – March 2024

I’m delighted to start off with a shout-out to our  estimable Patreon backers! Thanks to Peter, Bryan, Clark, Jim, Emma, Craig, Phil, Bryant, P. Troilus, Michael M, ScottKey, Michael B, Andreas, Ranting John, Samwise, Michael H, Andy, Mark R, Daniel F, Jiří K, heartdoc32, Marcus, and Eric!! NEW RELEASE: Your Dead Eyes My Mirror New […]

GUMSHOE Whodunnits: One Little Clue

It’s a staple of the detective genre that the heroic investigator picks up on some tiny clue, some inconsistency that unravels an otherwise perfect crime. They spot that only one dinner guest could have passed through the kitchen in the two-minute window to poison the bride’s champagne glass, or that the mystery turns on whose […]

13th Age 2E: Wood Elf Kin Powers

Here’s another installment of the new kin powers from 13th Age 2E. If you played using the original core book, you probably noticed that wood elves rocked. That presented a challenge which we did not tackle in the Alpha Playtest Packet. Here’s what’s coming in the 2E Beta Playtest Packet in a few weeks Wood […]

Night’s Black Agents: Odd Jobs

The Agents in Night’s Black Agents are burned spies, out of favour with their former agencies, banished into the cold – but even a broken spy has uses. Smiley got called back from retirement all the time; unsanctioned operations call for unsanctioned assets. What sort of unofficial intel ops might your Agents get involved in […]

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