Search Results for: dramasystem

Pelgrane GMs Needed for PAX Unplugged 2017

UPDATE: Booth space at PAX Unplugged is sold out, and PAX has told us that there is no open gaming at the con—the only game events will be those run by exhibitors. As a result, we unfortunately won’t have a presence at PAX Unplugged 2017. (Unless someone miraculously drops out and no one’s ahead of […]

What Would You Create With All Our Stuff?

If you could use Pelgrane Press artwork, settings, and original characters for original, fan-made materials, what would you create? If you could create your own GUMSHOE game, 13th Age compatible supplement or game powered by the system which powers the 13th Age what would you do? This article doesn’t answer those questions – but it […]

Pelgrane GMs Needed for Gen Con 2017

We’re still looking for GMs to run our games at Gen Con 2017! If you’re interested in joining the GM crew at Gen Con, please email us at with the following info: Your name and, if you have one, a nickname, alias, or online handle that gamers might know you by (e.g. cthulhuchick, Heavy Metal GM) Your convention-registered email […]

Those Two Pesky Cards (A Variant Hillfolk Procedural Rule)

Some Hillfolk players report cognitive dissonance over an edge case in the game’s procedural resolution system. Success in a standard procedural scene with the players on one side and the GM on the other depends on matching a target card. When the GM spends a green procedural token, at least one of the player’s cards […]

Dramatic Poles of “Better Call Saul”

In a world where it’s impossible to watch enough great TV shows to declare any of them the greatest TV show now in production, I’m still gonna call “Better Call Saul” one of the best shows going. (And I still haven’t made it all the way through “Breaking Bad”, which might suggest some kind of […]

See Page XX – March 2016

March is here, and with it comes spring (hooray!), an occasional glimpse of sunshine, and a host of Pelgranista birthdays, with Gareth, Cat, and Rob Heinsoo all celebrating another spin around the sun this month (congrats!). This month, we’re releasing the Night’s Black Agents PDF adventure The Dubai Reckoning (which includes the EPUB and MOBI). The third installment of the 13th Age Monthly […]

Can We Have the Room, Please?

Although DramaSystem, the rules engine underlying Hillfolk, builds game sessions that feel like episodes of serialized TV dramas, differences between the two mediums do sometimes lead to somewhat different results. One device you see all the time in TV shows rarely appears in DramaSystem. Very often on a TV show the writers emphasize the emotional […]

See Page XX – February 2016

This month, you may have spotted that Pelgranistas Ken and Robin have released a Patreon campaign for their award-winning podcast, Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff. You can contribute to their campaign here. The second installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription soars into its own with issue two, the beautifully illustrated Phoenix. KWAS subscribers now have the March edition, Unspeakable Cults: […]

How to Be the Teller at the Hillfolk Memory Bank

In Hillfolk the GM acts as the custodian of the overall narrative. You mostly do this when calling your own scenes. You use these to heighten tensions, add new fresh developments, and picking up previous ones that got dropped along the way. Less evidently, you can also intervene during player scenes. This requires utmost subtlety. […]

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