Search Results for: dramasystem

12 Key Events of My Dreamhounds of Paris Series

Dreamhounds of Paris brings sandbox play to Trail of Cthulhu, as the surrealists of the 20s and 30s discover their ability to consciously reshape the realm beyond waking. I play with a group that works best either in the completely dramatic realm of Hillfolk and DramaSystem, or in a procedural game with a strongly laid-out […]

See Page XX – October 2014

Happy Hallowe’en! I didn’t have to go too far for a scary Hallowe’en See Page XX logo, as I happen to have a number of stake- and blood-related art pieces on my computer at the moment, because of the Dracula Dossier Kickstarter, live now! The build-up for the Kickstarter hasn’t stopped production, though, and we’ve got […]

Supporting Characters as Foils

In fiction, supporting characters often function as reflections of the protagonists. As we know from DramaSystem, main characters in a dramatic story can be defined as torn between two competing impulses. In the game we call these Dramatic Poles. In Hamlet, our title character is torn between Action and Contemplation. And wouldn’t you know it, […]

August 2014: View from the Pelgrane’s Nest

An amazing GenCon, new releases, awards and shipping issues. Out this month on pre-order is Mythos Expeditions  for Trail of Cthulhu and the Letters to Lovecraft fiction anthology from Stone Skin Press. Released is this month’s KWAS episiode Xeno-Archeology, and the DramaSystem Series Pitch of the Month Terminal X, by Hal Mangold. Dulce et Decorum Est and […]

The No-Response Response

When you watch the typical serial cable drama that DramaSystem, the game engine underlying Hillfolk, in large part emulates, you’ll note that the scenes tend to be short. Occasionally you get a change of pace episode structured more like a one act play. Mostly you see a large number of two-hander scenes in which the […]

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