by Adam Gauntlett This little Night’s Black Agents gem is inspired by Sauron, the home defense system marketed by Kevin Hartz and Jack Abraham, written up by the Washington Post. Premise The bad people, they know they’re being watched. Nosferatu co-founder Eduardo Parker. There’s a new home security tech startup and it seems to […]
Tag Archives: night’s black agents
In the latest episode of their ever-shifting podcast, Ken and Robin talk player prep for technothriller games, Brazil’s Bonde da Kabbalah narco gang, reality horror 101, and saving the library of Mexican baroque playwright Juana Inés de la Cruz.
In the latest episode of their prophetic podcast, Ken and Robin talk fun vs. punishing obstacles, Dracula’s brides, film shot composition, and Nostradamus.
In the latest episode of their lovingly roasted podcast, Ken and Robin talk sovereign citizens of Carcosa, the death of a White Helmet, a vampire museum, and, at the behest of Pelgrane publisher Cat Tobin, time machining vegetarian cuisine.
by Travis Johnson When you’re heading down into the ghoul tunnels or about to mount that final, fateful raid on the vampire lord’s lair, you’re going to want a little more bang for your buck than you can find at your local sporting goods store. Sure, the judicious use of Preparedness and Network can tip […]
The Agents in Night’s Black Agents are burned spies, out of favour with their former agencies, banished into the cold – but even a broken spy has uses. Smiley got called back from retirement all the time; unsanctioned operations call for unsanctioned assets. What sort of unofficial intel ops might your Agents get involved in […]
I’ve been running a mini-series of Night’s Black Agents – the third season since I started the game. This post describes game prep. The team have a vampire encased in a block of concrete which they kept in a silo in the Crimea – but the Russians invaded, so they moved the body and the […]
“The last conscious effort which imagination made was to show me a livid white face bending over me out of the mist. I must be careful of such dreams, for they would unseat one’s reason if there were too much of them.” — Mina Harker’s journal, 1 October (26 July 1894) Dracula isn’t the only […]
In the latest episode of their entirely authentic podcast, Ken and Robin talk combining The Esoterrorists with Night’s Black Agents, Krazy Kat in the dreamlands, the Beardmore Viking Hoax, and Happy Science.
In the latest episode of their double fun podcast, Ken and Robin talk doppelganger One-2-One, Night’s Black Agents in Asia, multiverses in the zeitgeist, and Eugene of Savoy.