Demonologist By ASH LAW The demonologist is the class for players who like things a little risky—who like playing close to the edge. Sure, you get to raise demons and bind them to your will, but if you falter you’ll unleash something very nasty into the world (and potentially against the party). Demonologists get three […]
Author Archives: Simon Rogers
This month for me featured online games – a playtest of a Yellow King RPG adventure, new releases from virtual tabletop providers, and Steve Dempsey ran his 60th Fearful Symmetries session. It’s not quite the same as playing in person, but I find that aside from the convenience of online play, players spend more time […]
Demonologist The demonologist is the class for players who like things a little risky—who like playing close to the edge. Sure, you get to raise demons and bind them to your will, but if you falter you’ll unleash something very nasty into the world (and potentially against the party). Demonologists get three talents, and how […]
In Part One, I discussed the basics of running a pre-written GUMSHOE adventure. Based on a recent poll about half of you write your own adventures, or adapt ours, with a few brave souls improvising completely. This article covers the improvisation that’s required when characters go in unexpected directions or ask unexpected questions, whether in […]
Here in London, it appears that an enthusiastic eight-year-old has taken over the weather control panel and is twiddling all the dials. I often forget the weather when running games. When I do remember to highlight it, it really draws the players in, even if there is no mechanical effect. Picture a meeting between spy […]
ROGUE By ASH LAW Rogue Overview The 13th Age rogue is a team player, using allies to help them gain sneak attack bonuses. Rogues have a lot to track—momentum (a binary state, do you have it or not?), sneak attack bonuses, and complicated class talents make this class one for the pros (or for beginners who […]
ROGUE By ASH LAW Rogue Overview The 13th Age rogue is a team player, using allies to help them gain sneak attack bonuses. Rogues have a lot to track—momentum (a binary state, do you have it or not?), sneak attack bonuses, and complicated class talents make this class one for the pros (or for beginners […]
by Simon Rogers In most cases, GUMSHOE puts the dice in the hands of the players. Instead of the GM making a Stealth test for a creature to sneak up on a character, players make a Sense Trouble test to avoid being surprised. When the roles are reversed, it’s the players who make a Stealth […]
The Pelgranes have been out and about this month. Cat attended the GAMA Trade Show, met retailers and fellow publishers such as Chaosium, as well as taking a look at the secret desert base of our US fulfilment house DOJ, Inc. I joined my ProFantasy Software colleagues Mark Fulford and Ralf Schemmann in the Mosel […]
by Rob Heinsoo Several years after releasing our 13th Age grab-bag 13 True Ways, Jonathan Tweet and I have teamed up to create a new, 464-page 13th Age supplement that contains a mix of new classes, monsters, magic powers, adventures, and narrative tricks. 13th Age Glorantha (13G), published by Chaosium, and now available in PDF and […]