September ended with ThawCon, my annual 13th Age fest, so this is a 13th-Age-heavy issue. I’ve also been playtesting GUMTHEWS, Kevin Kulp and Emily Dresner’s GUMSHOE fantasy game, and an indie game we are publishing (more on that another time). This month, we release the second adventure for Langston Wright, the veteran investigator first featured […]
Author Archives: Simon Rogers
Gen Con 50 is over, and we’re catching up on all the work it’s generated. Gen Con also acts as a magnet for new releases, so we’ve got a bunch of those, too. The 13th Age Bestiary 2, Cthulhu City and Out of the Woods are all off pre-order and are available, shipping now. A […]
While ebooks have their benefits, we at Pelgrane Press love physical books. But with all the advantages of ebooks, we understand that to be a bit more than printed paper stuck in a binding. They have to be beautiful, useable and durable. We use Huron Gloss premium paper in almost every case, manufactured in Ken […]
In GUMSHOE,when your character needs to do something tricky and where randomness adds tension, you roll a d6, add points you spend from an Ability pool, and if you make the Difficulty number, you succeed. The number of points you spend on a test can represent the effort a character is making, but usually they […]
July, as always, is a scramble to get books out for Gen Con, complicated by managing our most successful Kickstarter. Our printers Thomson Shore have indulged us by pushing print deadlines to the limit. The 13th Age Bestiary 2 is printed and shipping to our fulfilment points, Cthulhu City and Out of the Woods are […]
The ENnie award nominations have been announced, and the voting booth is open. The ENnies are annual awards which celebrate and reward the year’s best roleplaying game releases. They are run by ENworld – a huge and popular forum devoted primarily to roleplaying games. Each year at Gen Con they host a ceremony which acknowledges […]
Origins is fading into the past as we are swept up by the Yellow King Kickstarter and Gen Con print deadlines. Cthulhu Confidential has been shipped to pre-orderers and is now available as a PDF. The 13th Age Bestiary 2: Lions & Tigers & Owlbears is at the printers, and pre-orderers can see the final […]
13th Age This month we’ve been pushing forward with 13th Age supplements, including Fire and Faith, The Book of Demons, and The Bestiary 2: Lions & Tigers & Owlbears. The Bestiary 2 is available for pre-order in the SnowCub edition: get the plain formatted version now, and the print version when it’s released. Pre-orderers also […]
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Cthulhu Confidential Competition. We asked: So, tell us who you’d One-2-One with and why in under 100 words (or 140 characters on Twitter), and our judges will choose winners to receive a signed, numbered, leatherbound, limited edition copy of Cthulhu Confidential. Our winners are: Yohann Delalande, […]