by Adam Gauntlett Running all over Europe shooting vampires attracts attention from governments, police agencies, and other unsympathetic official observers. Night’s Black Agents represents this attention, and the concomitant investigations and pursuits, with the abstract value of Heat. If you make it go Boom, there are consequences. What should those consequences be? How can they […]
Author Archives: Cat Tobin
By Kevin Kulp There’s value in seeing how a hero you know translates into Swords of the Serpentine, especially when that hero changes over time. SotS lets you play fledgling (less experienced) and sovereign (exceptionally experienced) versions of the same character, jumping back and forth in time between adventures in the same way a collection […]
The GUMSHOE Community program is now even bigger! Earlier this year we launched the GUMSHOE Community program, making Ashen Stars content available to creators. We have now expanded the content available, and so the program now includes the following game lines: Ashen Stars The Esoterrorists Fear Itself TimeWatch If you’re not familiar with the Community […]
Over the years, we’ve released a number of one-shot adventures for our systems during Free RPG Day, and we often get messages asking us for the PDFs. As we know everyone’s looking for more gaming opportunities at the moment, we’ve collected them all here, now. All we ask is that if you download, run and […]
This music inspired by, and composed for, The Yellow King Roleplaying Game is included free as a digital download with The Yellow King RPG, and separately from the link below. The Yellow King Suite covers each of the four different settings. In addition, it presents a theme for The Yellow King RPG, and music for […]
Stone Skin Press is our fiction imprint, set up because of Simon Rogers’ enthusiasm for genre-crossing writing from writers like Michael Chabon, Iain Banks, Margaret Atwood, Ursula Le Guin and Adam Marek. Its goal – to mine the wealth of talented writers, both mainstream and genre, who enjoy writing to a challenging brief. Stone […]
by Bryant Durrell The Yellow King RPG can be daunting for a Keeper: four different settings, potentially lengthy campaign arcs, and to top it all off the canonical kick-off asks the Keeper to improvise connections between the Deuced Peculiar Things invented by the players and her carefully crafted scenario. I’ve always struggled a little bit […]
by Steven Hammond Lockdowns and quarantines are vitally important, and you want to keep your game going if for no other reason than to have something to do and stay sane. Remote gaming has been a thing for several years, but did you know The Black Book offers functionality tailored to run GUMSHOE games online? […]
We’ve been so relieved and excited that the Yellow King RPG is finally available to non-Kickstarter backers that it’s still dominating our thinking here in the Pelgrane’s Nest, even to the extent of adding a new YKRPG product (the basic Shock & Injury decks) to our webstore. However, don’t let that distract you from the big […]
March is a big month for birthdays here in the Pelgrane’s Nest, with Gareth, Noah, me, and Rob all celebrating this month. March also feels like spring is finally here; winter is past, and the world begins anew, tf. ***NEW*** The Book of the Underworld This month’s latest release is the campaign setting Book of […]