The latest edition of See Page XX is out now! Featuring everything you need to know about running your first GUMSHOE game from Robin D. Laws, Kenneth Hite, and Simon Rogers, along with a number of bonus items for Hillfolk and Dracula Dossier Kickstarter backers, and Cthulhu Confidential purchasers. Plus, pick up the 13th Age Demonologist […]
Author Archives: Cat Tobin
Happy new year! If your 2018 resolutions involve learning how to run games – or improving your existing GM skills – we’ve joined up with our good friends at Monte Cook Games and Atlas Games for New Gamemaster Month. Starting Tuesday, January 9th, we’ll run a month-long seminar in the form of twice-weekly posts, teaching […]
A Bookhounds of London rare tome by Mike Drew Keepers of Bookhounds of London may find themselves growing tired of the same old mythos tomes. How many copies of the Necronomicon can be discovered in mouldy crypts before they become rote? Here then is a real world tome along with possible ways for it to […]
A Secret History Unearthed. A Legendary Horror Walks Again. The Dracula Dossier is an epic improvised campaign for the Night’s Black Agents Roleplaying Game. Do your Agents have what it takes to face the Lord of the Undead himself? The Dracula Dossier follows in the fully improvisational path of the award-winning The Armitage Files campaign. Players follow up leads in the margins […]
If you are interested in playtesting any of these games, please email us with the adventure you wish to playtest in the subject line. Title: The Yellow King RPG System: GUMSHOE Author: Robin Laws Deadline: February 28th Number of sessions: 2-4 Description: Join phase 2 of The Yellow King Roleplaying Game playtest to help us hone one of […]
Have you, or someone in your game group, always wanted to give GMing a shot, but haven’t yet taken the plunge? What if we told you that by the first week in February, you could be an honest-to-goodness GM—and it’ll be easy! January is New Gamemaster Month, and we’re joining our friends at Monte Cook […]
It’s coming up to the holidays, and here in the Nest we’re all looking forward to spending some quality time with family and friends. The Pelgrane office will be closed from Friday, December 22nd to Tuesday, January 2nd, and we won’t be available to answer emails or process orders placed during this time. We appreciate […]
The latest edition of See Page XX is out now! Featuring the 13th Age Demonologist class among other hellish goodies in the Book of Demons, along with Ex Astoria, the next Vivian Sinclair PDF adventure; meet Colleen Riley, the newest Pelgranista; hand something out to your players, and find out how the character generator is progressing. […]
We’re just back from a fantastic Dragonmeet, where we got to catch up with colleagues and friends new and old, and none of us lost our voices until after the show. But our most exciting news this month comes in the form of our new Administrative Assistant, Colleen Riley, whose introduction you can read below. Having […]
by Steven Hammond First let me open by saying that is live and taking email addresses for anyone who wants to take part in the alpha or beta tests, or get notified when the new Black Book goes live. You may recall that during the months of September and October we asked all of you […]