Category Archives: Esoterrorists

Albion’s Ransom: Little Girl Lost & Albion’s Ransom: Worm of Sixty Winters double review by kafka

kafka’s shining review of Albion’s Ransom: Little Girl Lost & Albion’s Ransom: Worm of Sixty Winters is available in full at 10/10: “this is British horror at its best.”  “The Esoterrorists picks up where Cthulhu games sometimes leave off in creating a truly horrific experience without getting into gore and staying true to the cosmic horror […]

Neurological Symptoms of Outer Dark Contact

[REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] You are receiving this memo as an Ordo Veritatis field agent certified to perform the forensic duties of a medical examiner. At your earliest convenience, please access, through the amended usual protocols, the research paper entitled “The Neurological Implications and Structural Alterations Associated with Outer Dark Entity Involvement” (Catalogue #90UODS9) by Dr. […]

Outer Dark Entity Profile: Seeper

New creature for The Esoterrorists The membrane between this world and the Outer Dark is everywhere. Even inside your computer. That’s where seepers break through. They sense the particular stink of paranoia and latent aggression stoked on the Internet’s blackest shoals. When you drink in conspiracy theory or wallow in mythologies of victimhood, they wriggle […]

The Plain People of Gaming: 13th Age monster-tech in GUMSHOE

Continuing Ken’s theme of looting 13th Age for GUMSHOE twists, let’s talk about monsters. In 13th Age, monsters have a sort of rudimentary AI – instead of the GM deciding to use their special abilities in advance, they’re triggered by the result of the attack roll. So, for example, if a ghoul gets a natural […]

Outer Dark Entity Profiles: The Sulp

The skulking Outer Dark Entity known as the sulp crosses the membrane into places where humans keep the possessions they do not need but cannot quite bear to get rid of. Sulps can appear in warehouses, attics, derelict buildings or the squalid homes of hoarders. They most often manifest in self-storage facilities. The name sulp […]

Outer Dark Entities Keep Up With the Technological Times

As students of The Book of Unremitting Horror know, Sisterites are beings from the Outer Dark who prey on lonely and isolated men desperate for contact with the opposite sex. Case files from that volume include a transcript of an IRC chat between a Sisterite and its doomed target. In the years since the Ordo […]

The Workmen

New creature for The Esoterrorists or Fear Itself A hole opens up in the road outside your house. You pay no attention to this. Guarded by construction fence, it shows every sign of being regular repair work. Maybe they’re fixing the water mains. Or resurfacing the pavement. But then it gradually dawns that you never […]

Testimony of an Esoterror Recruit

Excerpt from interview conducted at Debriefing Center Xenon, 9/12/12 Subject: Nathan Cox, age 27   Interviewer: So what do you think you did to attract their attention? Subject: Attract her attention, you mean? Interviewer: However you want to answer the question, Nathan. Subject: Don’t call me by my first name like you know me. I […]

Esoterrorists 2nd Edition review on RPGNet

Over at RPGNet, Kafka has been working through our new releases, and has posted a great review of The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition, giving it 5/5 for Style and Substance. Kafta notes that the second edition contains “both an update of the basic rules (GUMSHOE), hence edition change but also add-ons that make it more the […]

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