Category Archives: Esoterrorists

The Esoterror Factbook review on UK Roleplayers forum

 On the UK Roleplayers forum, Ragr has given the Esoterror Factbook a great 8/10. Ragr says the Factbook “…expands the background wonderfully and provides great advice for developing characters and helping the players to visualise exactly what their job as OV investigators is all about.” Ragr concludes by saying: “For me this book was a […]

The Forest Game

A Ripped From the Headlines Plot Premise For The Esoterrorists When viral videos appear on the Internet documenting a mystery sound heard in farflung locations throughout the world, skeptics declare them obvious fakes. It doesn’t take a sound engineer to tell that they’re electronically generated, possibly from a sample of the Godzilla scream. But the […]

Profane Miracles Actual Play

Here is actual play of the Esoterrorists adventure Profane Miracles, with a home-designed follow up adventure using Fear Itself here, from the excellent Role Playing Public Radio. There is a bit of banter at the beginning, but they get into it pretty quickly and get on with the game.

October Playtesting

October brings new playtesting opportunities, in particular Owl Hoot Trail, but we are shy of a few takers for the Esoterrorists adventures.  Anyone signing up for those will get a sneak peak at the latest iteration of GUMSHOE – Esoterrorists 2.0 Each playtest has its own email link. Please click the link to send the […]

Ripped From the Headlines: Fake Corpse Call

When a phone tip from a woman claiming to be a psychic leads police in a rural community to excavate a supposed mass grave, the Ordo Veritatis dispatches a team to the site to cope with supernatural repercussions. By the time they arrive at the scene, the call is shown to be a hoax. But […]

The First Thai Esoterrorist Roleplayers

Edit: Chris Sanderson of Battlefield Bangkok says the three reprobates in the image are Nakorn and Nakorn (no relation) in the foreground, and Brian in the background, who appears to be up to no good. They’ll be running their first session shortly. I’ve just received my publisher copies of The Esoterrorists in Thai, and here […]

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