Search Results for: dramasystem

When In Doubt, Remind Him He’s a Dwarf

Welcome again to Scene Study, where we break down dramatic scenes in recent popular entertainment as they might play out in DramaSystem. In the Game of Thrones episode “The Night Lands” (Season Two, Episode 2) [stop here if you don’t want to know] Tyrion Lannister tries to assert his new authority as the king’s right […]

View from the Pelgrane’s Nest

This month we release Terra Nova, Lenny Balsera’s Ashen Stars Lenny’s murder mystery set on a dying space liner and the PDF of Lorefinder, the GUMSHOE / Pathfinder mashup. New World and DramaSystem are ready for external playtest. A Year in Pelgrane 2011 was an excellent year for Pelgrane. Much of this is the shear […]

Playtesting Opportunities

The Zalozhniy Quartet System: Requires Night’s Black Agents REDACTED edition Number of Sessions: 2-4 per adventure, 4 adventures Last Delivery Date: 31st March 2012 Short Description: The Zalozhniy Quartet is a series of four linked adventures from Gareth Hanrahan that can be played in any order. A web of conspiracy and intrigue challenges the players […]

Dramatic Poles of the Walking Dead

At first glance, the survival horror cable series “The Walking Dead” would seem clearly procedural, devoted as it is to the efforts of a small band of people to tough out a zombie apocalypse. Certainly, many of its most memorable scenes pit characters against practical problems: finding a missing party member, snagging needed medical supplies, […]

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