Playtesting: Unsleeping Advisors (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

by Kevin Kulp Last month we explained rules for non-humans and gave you our first Ancestry for Swords of the Serpentine: Intelligent Animals. This month’s Ancestry is originally inspired by The Serpent’s Tongue, a piece of very Eversinkish art by artist Tom Bagshaw. Unsleeping Advisor Ancestry abilities: Ancestry (Unsleeping Advisor), Forgotten Lore, Laws and Traditions, Prophecy […]

State of Preservation

A scenario hook for Ashen Stars The lasers take a contract from the Combine Xenoarchaelogical Foundation to protect the ruins on Delaney. This largely uninhabited world contains remnant structures from the dimly-known ancient civilization known to Combine scholars as CIVA-3. This enigmatic culture left ruins across the worlds of the Bleed. On Delaney the most […]

A Reappraisal of Th’rygh

For the last, er, twenty-five years or so, I’ve run a Cthulhu game every year at Warpcon. In recent years, they’ve been playtests or first drafts of material intended for publication – scenarios like A Cigarette, a Blindfold and You or, for that matter, Cthulhu City began life as con scenarios. But the early scenarios […]

Relics of Drowned Sahua

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by lee Moyer & Aaron McConnell Read the introductory post here. The Ancient Sahuans were a proud and noble people, living during the reign of the Wizard King as rulers of their independent coastal citadel. Their magic, craftsmanship, skill at war, and shipbuilding prowess […]

Monsieur Anguillerose

A Foe for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game: Paris Monsieur Anguillerose, or Mr. Eelrose as he translates his name into English, is a singular Carcosan being who enjoys the Parisian nightlife, and killing the people who inhabit it. After spoiling a royal plan in the days before the city of Ys sank, the Pallid King […]

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