The Mystery & The Problem

In most mysteries, the investigator’s discovery of the crime restores the world to rights. The detective figures out that the butler did it, and the police arrest the murderer. The crime and its cover-up are an aberration, and uncovering them means the laws and morality of wider society can reassert themselves. The Cthulhu Mythos doesn’t […]

Playtesting: Unsleeping Advisors (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

by Kevin Kulp Last month we explained rules for non-humans and gave you our first Ancestry for Swords of the Serpentine: Intelligent Animals. This month’s Ancestry is originally inspired by The Serpent’s Tongue, a piece of very Eversinkish art by artist Tom Bagshaw. Unsleeping Advisor Ancestry abilities: Ancestry (Unsleeping Advisor), Forgotten Lore, Laws and Traditions, Prophecy […]

State of Preservation

A scenario hook for Ashen Stars The lasers take a contract from the Combine Xenoarchaelogical Foundation to protect the ruins on Delaney. This largely uninhabited world contains remnant structures from the dimly-known ancient civilization known to Combine scholars as CIVA-3. This enigmatic culture left ruins across the worlds of the Bleed. On Delaney the most […]

A Reappraisal of Th’rygh

For the last, er, twenty-five years or so, I’ve run a Cthulhu game every year at Warpcon. In recent years, they’ve been playtests or first drafts of material intended for publication – scenarios like A Cigarette, a Blindfold and You or, for that matter, Cthulhu City began life as con scenarios. But the early scenarios […]

Relics of Drowned Sahua

by Jay Godden, edited by Isaac Rolfe and Rob Heinsoo, art by lee Moyer & Aaron McConnell Read the introductory post here. The Ancient Sahuans were a proud and noble people, living during the reign of the Wizard King as rulers of their independent coastal citadel. Their magic, craftsmanship, skill at war, and shipbuilding prowess […]

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