Monsieur Anguillerose

A Foe for The Yellow King Roleplaying Game: Paris Monsieur Anguillerose, or Mr. Eelrose as he translates his name into English, is a singular Carcosan being who enjoys the Parisian nightlife, and killing the people who inhabit it. After spoiling a royal plan in the days before the city of Ys sank, the Pallid King […]

View From the Pelgrane’s Nest – September 2022

We are slowly, but surely, getting back into the swing of things here in the Pelgrane’s Nest, and See Page XX is back! See Page XX is one of the key ways we communicate what we’re working on, and what’s coming up in Pelgrane Press, and during the pandemic this vital outlet fell by the […]

Playtesting: Intelligent Animals (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

by Kevin Kulp Now that we’ve explained the rules for non-human Heroes in Swords of the Serpentine, let’s start with the first Ancestry: Intelligent Animals. Please go read those base rules if you haven’t yet, as it will make this article make much more sense. Each month’s Ancestry will follow the same format, as shown […]

Playtesting Rules: Non-Human Heroes in Swords of the Serpentine

by Kevin Kulp Classic sword and sorcery stories feature human heroes almost exclusively, but that doesn’t mean your game needs to look like this. If you want to use the GUMSHOE Swords of the Serpentine rules for high- or epic fantasy, you’ll want access to non-human heroes. This monthly series will feature Ancestries for non-human […]

My Sanity Is False! Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Cthulhu

by Tony Williams (you can download a crib sheet here for this variant rule). Here is a suggested rule variant for Trail of Cthulhu to make the dance towards insanity more peripatetic. I wanted to bring the sense of teetering over the abyss of insanity more to the fore. One false step and your investigator would […]

See P. XX: Meet the Feeders

A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws   Early phases of Yellow King scenarios often find the investigators looking into subtle symptoms of Carcosan reality shifting. While they talk to initial witnesses and hit the books to orient themselves in some research, not much in an overtly horrific or supernatural vein might be happening […]

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