Arcimboldo Syndrome

Scenario hook for a Fear Itself one-shot Rudiger and Dietrich Thalbach had a problem. As descendants of the noble Vilsdorf family of ancient Bavaria, they were born as lebendurghul, or living ghouls. A congenital condition requires them to periodically ingest fresh human DNA or lapse into a feral, pre-sapient state. Their forebears compensated for this […]

Fame Eater

A Foe for Yellow King: This is Normal Now The Carcosan entity known as the Fame Eater nourishes itself on the psychic energy exuded by celebrity. Fame Eaters can attach themselves to well-known individuals of any stripe. Most seek the particularly heady emotional energy that surrounds people who combine true achievement in their fields with […]

The Raspy Raven’s GUMSHOE season

Ever thought of playing in a 60s cold war version of Night’s Black Agents? Traversing The Gaean Reach modified for Charles Stross’ Laundry Files? Perhaps a Byzantian take on Swords of the Serpentine set in Constantinople is part of your gaming wish list? If so, then look no further. After successful seasons of games for […]

The Last Egregore

A Scenario Seed for The Yellow King: Aftermath Not knowing who to trust, a fellow ex-insurgent now working for the Federal Police turns to the crew for assistance. A top-secret tribunal has sentenced a key war criminal of the Castaigne regime to death. The hitch: the convict is an egregore, an insubstantial malign being from […]

November playtesting

Please email for instructions on how to take part in this playtest! Title: Cassilda’s Song: Paris section System:The Yellow King RPG Authors: Robin D. Laws Deadline for return of feedback: Tuesday 31st January 2023 Number of sessions: 1-2 sessions per each of the four adventures Description: Like the YKRPG itself, Cassilda’s Song consists of four books, […]

The Mystery & The Problem

In most mysteries, the investigator’s discovery of the crime restores the world to rights. The detective figures out that the butler did it, and the police arrest the murderer. The crime and its cover-up are an aberration, and uncovering them means the laws and morality of wider society can reassert themselves. The Cthulhu Mythos doesn’t […]

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