This year at GenCon, Pelgrane Press will be hosting a seminar on Investigative Gaming and the GUMSHOE system (SEM1118992). A panel discussion with Kenneth Hite, Robin D Laws and Simon Rogers on the GUMSHOE gaming system, specifically unravelling the mysteries around investigative gaming, tackling the issues of railroading and demystifying the clue-driven RPG. Start Date […]
Tag Archives: robin d laws
The voting for the ENnie awards is open. Pelgrane Press have been nominated for Best Cartography for Bookhounds and Best Writing for Dance in the Blood. We ask that you consider voting for us. Other Pelgranistas have been nominated; Graham Walmsley for A Taste for Murder, Robin D Laws for Hamlet’s Hit Points and Kenneth […]
by Robin D. Laws The Armitage Files, my recent, Silver-Ennie winning, campaign sourcebook for Trail of Cthulhu, has been hailed for an innovative approach—one I will now encourage you to steal. If you’ve yet to check it out, Armitage presents a new take on the epic Cthulhu campaign. It provides building blocks for a player-driven, […]
by Robin D. Laws It’s not true that there’s one in every group. But when there’s one in your group, it sure feels like there is. I’m talking about That Guy. The overbearing, dysfunctional participant who dominates the room and sucks the fun from the game. He hogs the spotlight. He turns every discussion in […]
by Robin D. Laws In response to a previous installment of this column, mxyzplk writes: My group hasn’t gotten around to playing GUMSHOE yet despite me owning several of the books, but we have played games with somewhat similar mechanics before, and it seems like it runs the risk of either a) hoarding points or […]
Robin Laws discusses Ashen Stars here, at about 27.15.