Tag Archives: Yellow King RPG

9 Tips for Remote Tabletop RPG Play

In the present COVID-19 crisis, many of us, myself included, have canceled our in-person roleplaying sessions to comply with social distancing or shelter-in-place public health regimes across the world. This Thursday, after a hiatus, I’ll be switching my in-person game to remote. (I’ve just started “Canadian Shield”, an extremely variant Fall of Delta Green series.) […]

An Unconscionable Omission from The Yellow King Roleplaying Game

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When I run The Yellow King Roleplaying Game in one-shot format, I improvise based on the Deuced Peculiar Things players specify. I provide them with this set of Paris pregens, which leaves the Deuced Peculiar Thing open for all but the Belle-Lettrist. I use that essayist character to cheat my way to the fun, and […]

See P. XX: QuickShock and the Containment of Demise

A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws While developing collaborators’ scenarios for Black Star Magic, I found myself puzzling out a design style question arising from a particular feature of QuickShock. In previous iterations of GUMSHOE, and most other games with hit points or a hit point-like function, characters can theoretically leave play at […]

Yellow King RPG Shock & Injury decks

Basic Shock Deck Apprehension, panic, terror, and collapsing causation! This optional accessory helps The Yellow King Roleplaying Game GMs select and hand out Shocks during in-person play. Its card selection focuses on the varieties of fear and emotional disequilibrium most likely to afflict investigators into any reality-altering Carcosan mystery. Perfect for on-the-fly scenarios or abrupt […]

Climactic Doom in The Yellow King Roleplaying Game

As addressed in an earlier piece, you may want to deploy a nastier set of Shock and Injury cards when playing The Yellow King Roleplaying Game in one-shot format. The cards mentioned there give you a steeper doom spiral. But some con games may tick along safely until the very last moment, where dramatic necessity […]

Get Carcosanized

For an indefinite but limited time only, send a pic of yourself holding The Yellow King Roleplaying Game to Robin on Twitter (@RobinDLaws) and he’ll put it through this lovely and not at all harmful Carcosan filter for you. The Yellow King Roleplaying Game takes you on a brain-bending spiral through multiple selves and timelines, […]

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