Tag Archives: 13th age

13 True Ways Art Preview: Ambush Bug

Rob Heinsoo burrowed his way out of the ground, startling the Pelgrane staff tremendously, and delivered this 13 True Ways update. 13th Age is almost here! Quick – reserve your copy today at the Pelgrane Shop or your local game store and download the finished PDF! Matt Nelson entered the Monster Art +13 contest for […]

Rob Heinsoo: Night of the Blue or Off-Pink Death Save Ninja

What’s it like to play 13th Age at Rob Heinsoo’s table? You might get an idea from listening to the actual play episodes from BJ Shea’s Geek Nation, or reading about playing the demo with Rob at PAX.  Recently Rob wrote on his own blog about a rowdier-than-usual session of his home campaign. Enjoy. Reserve […]

Tarrasque at Bay

Rob Heinsoo crawled miraculously unharmed out of the massive footprint left by a Koru Behemoth to give us this sneak peek at more 13 True Ways monster art… The Monster Art +13 contest we ran after the 13 True Ways Kickstarter had one entry that I discarded immediately. It was from Christoper Tatro and it read like […]

Pre-Order 13th Age From Your Retailer: You Get The PDF, They Get a Discount

13th Age is almost here, and seeing the rate of pre-sales we strongly recommend you reserve your copy now. You can order the game directly from us, or pre-order 13th Age at your favorite game shop and still get the finished PDF from us that same day. Your retailer also gets a discount if they pre-order copies, so […]

13th Age backgrounds

by Ryven Cedrylle 13th Age’s move from a Skill-based system to a Background-based system has far greater reach and power than is immediately evident on the first pass. The mechanics can handle a multitude of interesting nuances better than the standard d20 skill lists despite being a much smaller amount of information. In order to […]

Printers, editors, and rogues

We sent the 13th Age manuscript to the printer last week. It’s a good feeling. The book looks great. I think you’ll be able to see the quality of Chris Huth’s final layout work for yourself. The magnificent editing job performed by Cal Moore is probably harder to see. Cal spotted innumerable problems and knew […]

13 Age review on Forbes.com

Erik Kain recently gave 13th Age an excellent review on Forbes.com, saying: “…one of the best systems I’ve encountered—and I’ve either played or read the rules to countless d20 systems at this point—is 13th Age, a game cobbled together by Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo.” He then goes on to say: “13th Age is … […]

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