Tag Archives: robin d laws

Allied and Enemy Squads

Alternate history officers consult

Yellow King: The Wars PCs will often meet soldiers from nations other than France. These GMCs may show up in your storyline unexpectedly. When that happens, reach for this handy article for names and personalities to adjust to your needs. Depending on your alternate history, soldiers from any European nation might be friends or foes. […]


Family of sinister borderland elves sit sullenly at a table in their tavern

A DramaSystem Series Premise For nearly a century members of the long-lived Zharraeus clan have dwelled on the borderlands near the Big Pit. Operating a combination tavern, inn, and supply store near a dangerous dungeon might give pause to the faint at heart. The hardbitten Zharraeuses revel in their survival in a place where all […]

The Lou Carcolh

Snail snake creature wearing Belle Époque finery by the Seine

When they first hear of the creature known as the Lou Carcolh, the art students of Yellow King: Paris may breathe a sigh of relief. This titanic, man-eating cross between a snail and a serpent dwells more than a day’s train trip away from the École des Beaux-Arts, in a cave beneath the town of […]

Christmas for the Art Students of Yellow King Paris

In 1895, the art student player characters of The Yellow King: Paris can’t simply pop home to visit their wealthy American families for the holidays. They can’t take time from their studies at the École des Beaux-Arts for a two-way ocean voyage. Like other temporary residents in someone else’s city, they’ll need to band together […]

Informal Notice of Continued Custody of Former Regime Technology

Dear Mrs. Fernandes: In response to your telegram of last week, I continue to assert my reluctance to turn over physical possession of any items of regime technology that I may or may not have, pending a legal framework enacted by, and I cannot emphasize this enough, a democratically elected post-interim government. While I understand […]

See P. XX: Payoff Interludes for GUMSHOE

A column about roleplaying by Robin D. Laws A recent observation I’m adding to my Things I Always Say file is that when players worry about a scenario being railroaded or linear, what they really mean is not that it lacked choices or branch points, but that they didn’t get to Do Their Thing. Many […]

Nailsuit Variations: The Time Sentinel

Various Pelgranes have written mini-posts inspired by a different filtered image of a mysterious man in a suit of nails. Robin’s contribution is a scenario hook for Ashen Stars. The lasers accept a contract from the vas mal Institute for Temporal Folklore to investigate reported appearances of the Time Sentinel on a hypergas extraction rig […]

The Broken Camera

A Yellow King: Paris scenario hook Laurette Clemson, a wealthy American art patron of the groups’ acquaintance, asks them to meet her at her suite in the Hotel Metropol. They find her pallid, feverish and restive. With trembling hand, she produces a photographic print of a woman with roses in her hair. Laurette engaged a […]


A DramaSystem Series Brief For years the Ashton family has enriched itself on the record-breaking sales of their pharmaceutical company’s supposedly safe and effective opioid. Now the pain is coming for them. Characters Encourage players to create characters from the Ashton clan, majority shareholders of the BinghamHealth pharma corporation. With a larger group you might […]

The Old Bank

A Trail of Cthulhu location Residents of Arkham have taken to referring to the abandoned building near the corner of Alliance Street and Whitston Road simply as the Old Bank. Though the signs have been taken down, any local historian can tell you that it was originally incorporated as Mather and Sons, and went out […]

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