Yearly Archives: 2015

13th Age Organized Play: The Archmage’s Orrery

The Archmage’s Orrery has won the silver ENnie for Best Free Product. Download it here. Tales of the 13th Age is our free organized play program for the 13th Age roleplaying game. Each month’s adventure is designed so that GMs can customize it for their own group, but players can easily bring their characters to […]

Announcing Friday the 13th Age

Every Friday the 13th, fans want to know what we’re doing to celebrate 13th Age. Because let’s face it: every Friday the 13th should be 13th Age Day. So now it’s official. Starting this Friday the 13th — and on every Friday the 13th after — we’re going to try and TAKE OVER THE WORLD. We want to fill Twitter, […]

Chuffa In Hillfolk

A relatively new entry in scriptwriting jargon owes its secret origin to notoriously uncooperative movie star Bruce Willis. Kevin Smith recalls the moment, during their unfruitful collaboration on fore-doomed project Cop Out, when Willis started ripping out pages of dialogue he deemed irrelevant to the main action. This was chuffa, Willis said, and he wasn’t […]

Convention GMs needed!

It’s our now-annual shout-out for Gen Con GMs! Last year, we ran more games than ever before, but this year we’re determined to beat that record. The  submission date for games is March 13th, 2015, so if you’re interested in running games at GenCon, email me for more information and to stay updated on our […]

13th Sage: PC-Focused Mass Combat Rules

When you’re adventuring in the 13th Age, things sometimes get…out of hand. Maybe you stumbled into (or instigated) a violent uprising against the local authorities. Or maybe, thanks to that ritual you performed at the heart of a living dungeon, you accidentally brought about the end of the age — and massive armies dedicated to opposing […]

The Plain People of Gaming: Otherworld (1)

Some of the fantasists of the early 20th century are arguable more popular and well-known than they were when they were alive. HP Lovecraft or Robert Howard, for example, with their Cthulhu and Conan tales cast titanic shadows over the fantasy genre. Other writers have slipped into comparative obscurity, like the wonderful James Branch Cabell. […]

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