Tag Archives: conventions

Pelgrane GMs needed for Origins and Gen Con 2018

We’re looking for GMs to run our games at Origins and Gen Con 2018! If you’re interested in joining the GM crew at Gen Con, please email us at support@pelgranepress.zendesk.com with the following info: Your name and, if you have one, a nickname, alias, or online handle that gamers might know you by (e.g. cthulhuchick, Heavy Metal GM) Your convention-registered email […]

Pelgrane GMs Needed for PAX Unplugged 2017

UPDATE: Booth space at PAX Unplugged is sold out, and PAX has told us that there is no open gaming at the con—the only game events will be those run by exhibitors. As a result, we unfortunately won’t have a presence at PAX Unplugged 2017. (Unless someone miraculously drops out and no one’s ahead of […]

Pelgrane GMs Needed for Gen Con 2017

We’re still looking for GMs to run our games at Gen Con 2017! If you’re interested in joining the GM crew at Gen Con, please email us at support@pelgranepress.zendesk.com with the following info: Your name and, if you have one, a nickname, alias, or online handle that gamers might know you by (e.g. cthulhuchick, Heavy Metal GM) Your convention-registered email […]

Our Convention Support Policy

[Note: We grant permission for anyone to make use of this text or a variation of it in their own convention support policy, or for any other purpose – for example, emailing your local convention to recommend they have one]. At Pelgrane Press, we believe conventions are an integral part of the roleplaying community. We love going to […]

Running the Van Helsing Letter at WashingCon

By Tom Abella Introduction Conventions are special. Home games with friends and the occasional new player are our bread and butter, but I’ve always considered Con games to be a time to go the extra mile for the players (people actually paid to get in, for crying out loud). In preparation for running Night’s Black […]

International Pelgrane Day is 21st October

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of GUMSHOE, we’re inviting Pelgrane Press RPG fans all over the world to play their favorite Pelgrane games on or around 21st October—the first-ever International Pelgrane Day! We’d love to see  people to play and run Pelgrane games, either at home or online, that day and week. If you need adventures […]

The Quick and Bloody Guide to Bluffing Night’s Black Agents at Conventions

The Night’s Black Agents  book is  big, heavy and beautiful, but it can be intimidating to new GMs. The Night’s Black Agents game is a pulse-pounding thrill ride, pursued by vampires. How can we get from the big book to spy action, when the players are new, and you’ve never run NBA at a convention […]

The Plain People of Gaming: No Screw-Ups

The streets here are a concrete labyrinth. I try to go one block east, towards the ocean, and find myself crossing another bridge over the grey waters of the Miskatonic, and I’m back on the north side of the city, climbing up towards the civic monstrosity that squats atop Sentinel Hill. Transport Police, their faces […]

Conventions needing GMs

We get a number of emails every month from conventions looking for GMs to run Pelgrane games, particularly 13th Age, Trail of Cthulhu and Night’s Black Agents. If you’re interested in running a Pelgrane Press game at one of the conventions below, please email me with the following details: Convention name Your name Number of 2-hour […]

Conventions seeking GMs

We get a number of emails every month from conventions looking for GMs to run Pelgrane games, particularly 13th Age, Trail of Cthulhu and Night’s Black Agents. If you’re interested in running a Pelgrane Press game at one of the conventions below, please email me with the following details: Convention name Your name Number of 2-hour […]

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