Category Archives: Night’s Black Agents

Category for Night’s Black Agents

Night’s Black Agents Actual Play reports

Here are some actual playtest reports for Night’s Black Agents Tinker Tailor Vampire Die For those that do not know, Night’s Black Agents is Pelgrane Press’ newest game, a combination spy thriller, eldritch horror, vampire suspense tale. I adore this game and would bear it’s RP-babies if it would let me. Mechanically, GUMSHOE is pretty […]

Night’s Black Agents REDACTED Edition Extras!

We’ve added a new download link to all Night’s Black Agents REDACTED edition orders. All pre-orderers can follow the link in their receipt and download the new Agent’s Dossier which contains some useful goodies including a Conspyramid Template, a NBA refresh cheat sheet and a fantastic character sheet booklet with everything you need to build […]

The Unbourne Identity

From the keyboard of Kenneth Hite… For those of you who have somehow been occupying yourselves with other pursuits than my game design career, perhaps I should mention that a pre-order edition of my vampire spy thriller RPG Night’s Black Agents is available now from Pelgrane Press. More on that below, where the horrid, horrid […]

The Dracula Dossier

The Dracula Dossier is an epic improvised campaign for the Night’s Black Agents RPG. Do your Agents have what it takes to face the Lord of the Undead himself? The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the demon shall cry to his fellow; Lilith also shall rest […]

It’s Okay Till the Russians Do It

With Kenneth Hite’s GUMSHOE vampire spy thriller Night’s Black Agents now percolating out into the gamer bloodstream, you may be seeking resources for your real-life geopolitical chasing and shooting needs. One site to bookmark is In Moscow’s Shadows, the blog of Mark Galeotti, an expert on Russia’s criminal underworld, its national security apparatus, and the […]

Night’s Black Agents – The [REDACTED] Edition

The REDACTED Edition is no longer available but the standard Edition, which does not include the extras below, is now available to buy in the store. The Ashen Stars Stellar Nursery edition was a great success – enabling us to do a full colour offset print run, and ensuring we could make the final book […]

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