After a month’s hiatus to recover from GenCon and all that entails, See Page XX is back, packed with articles, advice, and interesting Pelgrane-related tidbits. We have the monthly round-up of all things Pelgrane from Simon Rogers. Robin D Laws talks about the forthcoming DramaSystem. Johnny Nexus, author of Game Night and Critical Miss condemns […]
Category Archives: See Page XX
A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws It’s about time I expanded the boundaries of roleplaying again. (This sentence is a trial project of the Commonwealth Anti-Effacement Alliance. This non-governmental organization assists Canadian game designers and British publishers in their attempts to self-promote themselves with all the zest and vigor the present age demands.) […]
Your Friendly Supplier of Advice, Information, and Only Mildly Offensive Sarcasm So after a few months of cajoling, convincing, and bribery, we have a new regular See Page XX feature – Ask Beth. If there is anything you’ve always wanted to ask Pelgrane about, however silly or non-GUMSHOE related, here is your chance. Questions can […]
By Johnny Nexus My Monday night group is currently playing a Spirit of the Century campaign. SotC is a free-wheeling pulp action game set in the 1920s, and I’m playing my man-turned-gorilla PC (there was an accident involving an aircraft and a mad-scientist) Lord Edward Silver. This last Monday though, I wasn’t actually playing a […]
Last month, with GenCon, we didn’t get a chance to do a Page XX. You can read the GenCon wrap-up and boasts of our ENnie award success here. In August, we released the Out of Time print bundle for Trail and Dead Rock Seven for Ashen Stars. This month sees the release of The Apocalypse Machine and Many […]
Stowaway is a 20-minute demo for Ashen Stars from ENnie Award presenter and all around nice guy, Kevin Kulp. This demo premiered at GenCon to rave reviews. It’s a great introduction to Ashen Stars and includes six pre-gens, and you can try it at the beginning or end of a session when you have another […]
Here is a sample provisional layout for the forthcoming vampire/spy thriller from Kenneth Hite – Night’s Black Agents. Fred Hicks of Evil Hat is overseeing the layout design and we think it looks pretty awesome. What do you think? You can download it as a PDF here.
We have a plethora of playtesting opportunites this month. Each playtest has its own email link. Please click the link to send the email. You can playtest mulitple games, as long as you can make the deadlines. Send one email for each playtest. Please ensure you have a group and first date lined up before […]
After a break last month, See Page XX is back with a pre-GenCon feast of news and articles. As usual we have the monthly round-up of all things Pelgrane; high praise and some fantastic handouts from Darren Miguez. Will Hindmarch, co-author of the epic forthcoming Trail of Cthulhu campaign Eternal Lies, has written a Fiasco […]
A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws There is no one way to construct a mystery scenario. Accordingly, the GUMSHOE line presents various possible structures. These we key either to a genre (as in Ashen Stars) or a specific campaign implementation (such as The Armitage Files.) Here’s another way to do it, one that […]