Category Archives: See Page XX
As you all know ‘The Best Four Days in Gaming’ is almost upon us. The excitement in the Pelgrane offices has reached a fever-pitch as we finalise plans, pack our suitcases and panic about how to get through London to the airport on time. In the spirit of all things GenCon, here is all the […]
Bookhounds Fiasco is a playset for the Fiasco RPG from acclaimed writer Will Hindmarch and Kenneth Hite based on the hugely successful Trail of Cthulhu setting Bookhounds of London by Kenneth Hite. Download Bookhounds Fiasco here.
This month sees Pelgrane Press and ProFantasy Software attend GenCon, but we still found time to release four new books – Dead Rock 7 for Ashen Stars and Out of Time for Trail of Cthulhu are on pre-order for release in August; And Thence to Almery for the Dying Earth and Repairer of Reputations for […]
The latest issue of See Page XX is available to view now. It includes information on the Ashen Stars Stellar Nursery Edition and other new releases. Full of articles and news, you can read it all here.
By Clinton R. Nixon The rules of Owl Hoot Trail are based in old-school fantasy gaming, and so it was a given that the game would have classes. Defining classes in a role-playing game is a powerful influence over how the game is played. You are defining a vocabulary of character types and actions. In […]
The Seven Peoples Read and decide which of the Seven Peoples you’d most like to play, then vote in our poll. The Balla You are of the Balla, a lithe, light-boned species known for becoming ever more eerily beautiful with age. Balla children appear unformed and somewhat grotesque, even to their parents. Despite your clumsiness […]
This is no Orc with a Pie, but a desperate brigand wanted for bank robbery and moral turpitude in two States and three territories. But we don’t even know his name. To celebrate the first draft of Owl Hoot Trail, we are running a competition. Post a name for this orcish desperado in the comments. […]