There is no theme this month, instead we celebrate a plethora of new projects. We have an article from Mr. Owl Hoot himself, Clinton R. Nixon on the different classes of his fantasy-western game, and a ‘Name that Orc’ competition. Graham Walmsley has written an article on his new book, Stealing Cthulhu, and how to […]
Category Archives: See Page XX
The rate at which we are releasing new Page XXs is a reflection of our stellar new production schedule. It’s amazing what difference a full-time person makes. The Ashen Stars pre-order is going well, and I’m exploring ideas to persuade stores to pre-order copies in this difficult climate – usually just-in-time is the order of […]
This months See Page XX is full of articles on all different subjects. Last month we had a discernable (if, unintended) theme, this month we have an eclectic mix of all things Pelgrane. All the Justice Credits Can Buy is an extract from the beginning of Ashen Stars, now available to pre-pre-order. Another extract, from […]
This months round-up will be a little different from the usual as I am writing it instead of Simon (he’s off on the continent enjoying the sun) so the Pelgrane torch has temporarily passed to me. There’s been a lot going on in the office this month, the Ashen Stars layout has started, new products […]
by Robin D. Laws The Armitage Files, my recent, Silver-Ennie winning, campaign sourcebook for Trail of Cthulhu, has been hailed for an innovative approach—one I will now encourage you to steal. If you’ve yet to check it out, Armitage presents a new take on the epic Cthulhu campaign. It provides building blocks for a player-driven, […]
by Graham Walmsley Cthulhu Dark is a rules-light system for Lovecraftian games. It is a ‘pick-up-and-play’ system, the rules can be learnt in a matter of minutes. It’s influenced by GUMSHOE and is minimal: the rules fit on one sheet of paper. Download Cthulhu Dark Now, when people see Cthulhu Dark, they often get an […]
by Steve Dempsey You enjoy the investigative genre, you dig the GUMSHOE system, you’ve got Cthulhuesque horrors all lined up for Trail of Cthulhu, Super Criminals bursting out all over in Mutant City Blues or a Jungian monster from the Id for Fear Itself. There’s just one thing that’s bugging you. You don’t want to […]
An Extract from Ashen Stars by Robin D. Laws They call you Lasers. Or scrubbers, regulators, or, out in the Scylla Outzone, shinestars. To the lawless denizens of the Bleed, whether they be pirates, gangsters or tyrants, you’re known in less flattering terms. According to official Combine terminology, the members of your hard-bitten starship crew […]
By Matthew Sanderson In the Aftermath of an Esoterrorist Generated Catastrophe Introduction The Ordo Veritatis would like to believe they continue to have the upper hand in their struggle against the Esoterrorist movement. However, in the upper echelon of the organization, there exists the seed of doubt. What would happen if the tables were turned […]
by Graham Walmsley The second part of the new Cthulhu Apocalypse series, Cthulhu Apocalypse: The Apocalypse Machine is a rich sandbox setting, allowing players to construct their own apocalypse, from the first strange rumblings beneath the earth to the final, cataclysmic event. It will take Trail of Cthulhu adventures into a post-apocalyptic world, giving you […]