Things have been a bit quiet in the cowshed of late. Saturn’s doing something peculiar which has plunged all of us, cows included, into recession. The bottom’s fallen out of the bovine prognostications market so I’ve been forced to take a part time job in Tesco’s to make ends meet. It’s not all bad news […]
Category Archives: See Page XX
As you may remember we ran a competition to celebrate the release of The Dead White World, the first part of the Cthulhu Apocalypse series. The second part, the rules for creating your own apocalypse scenarios, The Apocalypse Machine is also available to buy from our shop. You can find the questions to the competition […]
The Competition Ken Hite’s new vampire/spy thriller was released on pre-order at the end of November and sales have surpassed expectations so to celebrate this, we are running a competition to design your own Night’s Black Agents Conspyramid. The section on Conspiracies starts at page 155 of Night’s Black Agents but we have included the […]
Christmas has come to Pelgrane Towers and Santa has delivered a sackful of Page XX goodies. Nary an ugly Christmas jumper or pair of socks in sight, this Page XX is chock-full of top quality articles, advice, and competitions. We have the round-up of all things Pelgrane from Simon Rogers. Mystic Moo drops by to […]
This month sees the release of Love of Money, a high octane adventure for Esoterrorists, and the Out of Time collection for Trail of Cthulhu as a PDF from the store. The epic Eternal Lies playtest draws to a close, and I give an overview of this year, and a teaser for next year. An […]
November has come and with it the frantic preparations for Dragonmeet. You can find out about all our Dragonmeet news here. We have a great line-up of articles for your November reading. Will Hindmarch tells us all about Revengers, the new game he is developing with Evil Hat Productions. Robin D Laws advises on successes […]
False Dawn is a Trail of Cthulhu campaign setting by Michael Daumen. You can download a PDF for printing here. Genocide is not merely a brutal tool of the concentration camps liberated by the Allied advance. A more insidious form has stalked the territories subjugated by Hitler for a decade. Nazi intellectuals and party officials […]
By Robin D Laws Though most players find GUMSHOE simple and straightforward, we’ve heard from a few folks who’ve had trouble assimilating it. Usually this happens when they see that it’s a little different from the roleplaying rules they’re used to, and then assume that it’s even more different than it really is. Here are […]
Will Hindmarch talks about his new game, Revengers. It started with a Halloween party celebrating the memory of a dead killer. A young couple had renovated the townhouse that was once his and, learning that they trod the same boards as the neighborhood’s famous villain, milked it in their invitations and party theme. What they […]
A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws GUMSHOE bases itself on the observation that failing to get information is never as interesting as getting it. It gives the characters the clues they seek, provided they have the right skill and look in the right place, with no die roll required. Since its advent, […]