Category Archives: See Page XX

Mo’ Information, Mo’ Troubles

A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws   As you probably know, Pelgrane Press is not named after the general species of pelgrane, but a particular pelgrane, which dwells in a bronze steeple atop Spectrum House, the company’s Clapham headquarters. And if you recall that, you are surely also aware that a pelgrane, as […]

Shift Your Scene Linkage With DramaSystem

A column on roleplaying by Robin D. Laws As mentioned last time, implementation of DramaSystem’s core goal—fostering emotional character interactions that play out as they do in drama and fiction—leads, as a series of follow-on effects, to a highly distinctive play experience. Procedural narratives, in which the heroes pursue a practical goal (identifying a killer, […]

The Tasty Fruits of Failure

An extract from the forthcoming Botts RPG Miscellany, Adrian Bott’s big book of GM’ing wisdom. By Adrian Bott   Some Games Masters fear failure – not so much their own, but the players’. For a none too confident GM, the thought that the players might experience failure can be daunting. Failure is generally understood to […]

October Playtesting

October brings new playtesting opportunities, in particular Owl Hoot Trail, but we are shy of a few takers for the Esoterrorists adventures.  Anyone signing up for those will get a sneak peak at the latest iteration of GUMSHOE – Esoterrorists 2.0 Each playtest has its own email link. Please click the link to send the […]

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