How to run the Scaum Valley Gazetteer as a full-length campaign by Ian Thomson To run this series, you will need: A version of Dying Earth RPG rules The magnificent “Scaum Valley Gazetteer” (SVG) All numbered references next to locations in this document indicate relevant pages from the SVG. Download the 11-page PDF here.
Category Archives: See Page XX
Sample pages from Bookhounds of London, a campaign frame for Trail of Cthulhu by Kenneth Hite.
Another missive so soon? Yes. The stately aerial progress of Pelgrane Press is now a purposeful flapping of leather wings, thanks to Beth who has been diligent in her efforts to accelerate production. Already, since September, we have released the Eternal Lies Suite, Graham’s Purist limited editions, The Dance in the Blood, and Not So […]
by Mike Drew Thomas J Wise (1859-1937) This is a look at one of the most important figures in the history of the rare book trade and the book that was published about him in 1934. At that time, he was a titan of the literary world; his word was instantly accepted – on both sides […]
by Robin D. Laws The great thing about designing tabletop roleplaying games is that people steal your ideas. You might think I’m being sarcastic, but no. I mean that as a completely straight-faced statement. In addition to the simple, straightforward goal of bringing fun to the people who play and read it, a secondary objective […]
By Gareth Hanrahan Lovecraft’s Dreamlands offer a strange avenue of investigation for Trail of Cthulhu characters. Down the Seven Hundred Steps of Deeper Slumber, the characters may find clues, new mysteries, and new horror. They may wake up screaming – if they wake up at all. According to Lovecraft, the Dreamlands is an alternate dimension […]
This first half of this article looks at break even points for Pelgrane books, and the second the distribution of sales between channels in 2010. Looking Back to Look Forward In my previous post on Pelgrane Press business about six months ago, I looked at predictions I made, and analysed them. I was constitutionally incapable […]
Welcome to the first 2011 edition of Page XX. Within, Robin D Law’s explores the non-clue-based advantages of the GUMSHOE system. Following the Trail theme, we have Project Covenant setting from Michael Dauman, Mike Drew’s intriguing Rise and Fall of a Book Collector, and the exceptional Dreamlands setting from Gareth Hanrahan as well as sample […]
By Clinton R. Nixon Fantasy adventure and Wild West stories have been linked since their beginnings. Both celebrate the lone hero or group of heroes vanquishing their challengers. Both are usually set past the edge of civilization on a frontier full of unknown dangers. Both have no place for the weak, who are weeded out […]
We’ve really ramped up production here at Pelgrane Press, with more than eighteen projects passed the planning stage. Three new Trail of Cthulhu products are out right now. We are also really pleased to announce more details of our new fiction imprint Stone Skin Press, and the first stage of our Vancean relaunch. The Dying […]